
Simplifying Saturday

>> Saturday, July 18, 2009

As I've made the transition towards living a more frugal lifestyle, I've learned a lot about living with less and being more thoughtful about the things I purchase. I have certainly brought a lot less into this house in the last year or so than I was before. One area I struggle with though is getting rid of what's already here. I'm not very good about letting go of the stuff. I recently stumbled across a blog called Becoming Minimalist, about a suburban family of four's quest to become minimalist. While reading through the Causes Of Clutter section, I have to say that I think all of those reasons either do or have applied to me at some point. I have the desire to simplify and I do little bits here and there but I'd really like to let go of the excess for good. So, I've committed to letting go and simplifying things. I will track my progress here in a regular series entitled Simplifying Saturday.

This week I simplified things by:
- selling 2 bags of books and magazines at Half-Price Books. Less stuff, extra cash.
- clearing out the phone book drawer and tossing the extra phone books. Are you overrun with these too?
-tossing make-up that was old and I was no longer using.
-mailing a box of cloth diapers and covers that I was saving "just in case we have another baby" to a friend who is due any time now.

If you would like to join me in simplifying, please feel free to leave a comment detailing how you've simplified this week.


that TOPS lady July 18, 2009 at 8:56 PM  

Simplifying is one of my goals and I am still so far from there! The one thing I did do was I donated 3 trash bags of stuff to my aunt's yard sale and told her to give the leftovers to goodwill. I had these stored in my closet for a yard sale that I was planning to have NEXT YEAR!
Have you ever heard of ? She has some great ideas that I am trying to instill into my life.
I love reading your blog!

Janet July 20, 2009 at 10:58 AM  

Thanks for reading. Yes, I've been hit or miss with Flylady for years. For me it's all about staying motivated to get it done. I think I'm going to go through my clothes this week.

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