I Hope You'll Join Me
>> Thursday, March 25, 2010
You may have noticed my posts have become less frequent recently. There's a reason for that. This blog has grown a lot since I started it thanks in large part to you, my wonderful readers. Living frugally and getting the most out of my money is something I'm passionate about. For a while now though, I have felt drawn to write more about frugal living and less about the latest deals. And one day while pondering all of this I realized that I could not see myself still writing about all the deals and freebies 10 years from now. However, I wasn't sure exactly where I wanted to go with it all. After a lot of prayer and consideration, I decided to create a new blog. The new blog is a combination of this blog and my personal blog. I will be writing about all the things I am passionate about: my faith, my family, my desire to live a financially responsible life and my photography. I will still be sharing my menu plans and recipes. I will still be sharing tips on frugal living. I will still be offering reviews and giveaways. However, I will no longer be posting daily deals and freebies. I know that most if not all of you read this blog specifically because of the deals and freebies I post. I did not take the decision to create a new blog lightly but feel it is the best move for me and my life. I have created a Frugal Resources tab on my new blog where I share links to my favorite frugal blogs, coupon resources and more. I have some of my favorites on there now but still have a lot of links to add when time permits. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness and support of this blog andI hope you will choose to join me at Frugal & Focused. I have a Welcome post here that explains what you will find. Hope to see you there!